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SafeBoot Launches Certified Token Partner Program
27 Jun 05:54

SafeBoot has launched a formal programme that will offer smart card and other authentication product vendors the opportunity to provide user authentication solutions that are certified to be interoperable with SafeBoot encryption solutions. The programme, called "SafeBoot Token Partnership Program," includes mandatory certification for participants and their products.

The programme covers a wide variety of complementary authentication technologies offered by specialised partners, including smart cards and smart card readers, in a variety of forms including PKI-enabled, USB security tokens, challenge/response tokens, middleware, TPM, biometrics and cognometrics.

SafeBoot Device Encryption integrates these secure authentication tokens so users can be authenticated at the pre-boot level (when a protected PC is started and before the operating system is loaded). Other SafeBoot encryption products use the same certified tokens for user authentication at Windows level.

Authentication solutions that are integrated into SafeBoot products and guaranteed to interoperate with them will be branded SafeBoot Certified products.

Related links: (Open in a new window.)
External link www.safeboot.com

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