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Alterpoint and Skybox Security Partner
31 May 05:48

AlterPoint Inc., a provider of intelligent Network Change and Configuration Management (NCCM) solutions, and Skybox Security Inc., have announced a partnership that delivers an end-to-end risk management solution.

Driven by the need to enable business-oriented risk reporting and analysis of vulnerabilities, as well as to satisfy audit and regulatory requirements, AlterPoint and Skybox have integrated the workflow and data exchange of their respective solutions. By combining AlterPoint DeviceAuthority with Skybox View, security management and network operations organisations can work as a unit to model and analyse device configurations and security controls and dramatically reduce the time to mitigate vulnerabilities. The overall goal of this convergence is to transform security information into business-oriented risk, audit and compliance intelligence and ultimately reduce the IT workload required to manage risk.

The integration of Skybox Views virtual modelling and simulation capability with DeviceAuthoritys network configuration and release management functions enables organisations to deploy a predictive, closed-looped security risk assessment and change management process. Network configurations can be deployed with confidence that they are effective from an access, policy compliance and risk perspective. With this integrated offering, organisations can achieve the right balance between the connectivity needs of the business while minimising risk exposure through a virtual analysis and staging environment. The two technologies complement each other by offering a comprehensive set of capabilities to:

  • Classify business assets
  • Discover configurations, vulnerabilities, controls and rules
  • Visualise threats, configurations and rules
  • Analyse configuration effectiveness and quantify risk exposures
  • Validate configuration and mitigation changes
  • Deploy, enforce and manage standard network configurations
  • Monitor for continuous compliance and improvement

[This is obviously a good idea if it works. Could be fun to see an installation. --Ed].

Related links: (Open in a new window.)
External link www.alterpoint.com
External link www.skyboxsecurity.com/

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