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SQL Anywhere Database Gets EAL3
16 May 12:19

iAnywhere, a subsidiary of Sybase, Inc., has announced its Adaptive Server Anywhere database within SQL Anywhere 9.0.1 and 9.0.2 has attained Evaluation Assurance Level 3 (EAL3) augmented with ALCFLR.2 from the International Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation.

iAnywhere completed its Common Criteria evaluation and certification for its Adaptive Server Anywhere database through SAICs Accredited Testing and Evaluation Labs in Columbia, Md, USA.

This testing has found that the Adaptive Server Anywhere database in SQL Anywhere 9.01 and 9.02 exceeds the requirements of EAL3 by providing additional assurance in the area of flaw remediation. The additional ALCFLR.2 designation means that if a security flaw is discovered in the product, there is a clearly defined procedure in place to effectively and quickly identify the problem, report it, and take corrective action.

SQL Anywhere joins other Sybase database products Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) and Sybase IQ 12.6, which have completed Common Criteria security evaluations. In 2005, ASE 12.5.2 was certified with EAL 4, augmented with ALC LFR.2 conformance claim and Sybase IQ 12.6 was certified with EAL 3 augmented with ALCFLR.2.

[People often question whether CC certification is worth the paper the certificate is printed on. It is! For two reasons: (1) when read and understood in its entirety, including specifically the Protection Profile tested against, a CC certification provides real insight in the security workings of a product (2) going for certification engenders a disciplined product development rigorousness that becomes a part of the company culture and can't help but leading to better products.

So, CC certification is a good thing. --Ed].

Related links: (Open in a new window.)
External link www.ianywhere.com/products/sql_anywhere.html

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