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Securing Voice Over IP
29 Jun 04:45

The Internet has changed the way we do business forever, and nowhere more so than in the field of telecommunications. Many organisations are discovering the benefits offered by Voice over IP (VoIP) technology, including cost savings and converged infrastructure, but it pays to be aware of the security risks before making the switch from traditional communications networks.

With the advent of VoIP, spammers have a new tool with which to do damage. Spam over conventional phone systems is virtually impossible, but distributing SPIT - 'Spam over Internet Technology' - is relatively simple. IP Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs) are essentially just another server on the network, allowing hackers to launch denial of service attacks, play havoc with phone systems or eavesdrop on conversations.

What to do about VoIP
Create User Log-Ins - Making users have log-in to IP phones exactly like they do with PCs will ensure their identity is authenticated. The system will also detect users who have logged-on in more than one location, preventing 'spoofing'.
Encrypt your Data - This will help prevent eavesdropping by hackers.
Deploy a Firewall - Just as with PCs, deploying a firewall in front of your VoIP system will help to filter-out attacks.
Update your Patches - Instead of only updating your voice systems when new features are added, make sure you add any new patches to your VoIP defences as soon as they arrive - and ensure this priority is recognised by all those staff handling voice communications.

Consider your Emergency Communications

- VoIP calls are packet-switched just like data, so telephone number area codes often bear no relations to callers' location. This becomes a particular issue when calling the fire brigade! To combat this issue, make sure your system transmits your location when dialling emergency numbers. High-risk sites might also consider maintaining a conventional phone line for use in these situations.
Remember Business Continuity - VoIP systems mean that when your network's down, so are your telephones. Make sure your business continuity plans address this issue.

Related links: (Open in a new window.)
External link www.watchguard.com

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