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June 2007 Stats From Kaspersky
02 Jul 03:36

As expected, the traditional summer doldrums for virus epidemics are about to set in. In June 2007, the prevalent malware includes some familiar names - and not just the typical veterans, but some real dinosaurs of the virus world.

After a long break, first place was again taken by the most prevalent malware of 2004 and 2005: the NetSky.q worm. It was followed by an equally old family, Bagle.gt. Meanwhile, NetSky.t, the topmost malware in May, slipped to third position.

The most noteworthy event this month was the disappearance of Mays rabble-rouser, Sober.aa. This virus appeared after a six-month stint in the shadows, suddenly appearing in fourth position before disappearing again.

In May, older worms reinforced their positions and Sober.aa reappeared, squeezing out the young generation of dangerous Warezov worms. A month ago, we analyzed Agent.bgs. This Trojan is designed to create Warezov botnets, and by the look of it, this botnet was behind the flood of new Warezov variants in June.

Three new variants made it into the top 10, with Warezov.oz in fifth position. It's likely that we'll continue to see a long line of new variants from these unknown authors for a while to come. Computers that are infected by Warezov are generally used as spamming platforms.

The Zhelatin family of worms hasn't been able to keep up with Warezov. This is the second month in a row that there's been no mention of these worms in our rankings. Feebs and Scano are also on the wane and could disappear at any time.

The list:

  1. Email-Worm.Win32.NetSky.q - 16.1 per cent
  2. Email-Worm.Win32.Bagle.gt - 13.5 per cent
  3. Email-Worm.Win32.NetSky.t - 9.6 per cent
  4. Email-Worm.Win32.NetSky.aa - 8.3 per cent
  5. Email-Worm.Win32.Warezov.oz - 6.2 per cent
  6. Worm.Win32.Feebs.gen - 4.6 per cent
  7. Net-Worm.Win32.Mytob.c - 4.4 per cent
  8. Email-Worm.Win32.Warezov.ov - 4.0 per cent
  9. Email-Worm.Win32.Warezov.op - 3.5 per cent
  10. Email-Worm.Win32.Mydoom.l - 2.9 per cent
Other malicious programs - 26.9 per cent

Related links: (Open in a new window.)
External link www.kaspersky.com
External link www.viruslist.com

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