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SophosLabs Launches Threat Info Blog
28 May 05:24

Sophos has launched a new security blog designed to provide breaking news, insight and commentary on emerging security threats.

The SophosLabs blog, which will be written by leading security researchers at SophosLabs, Sophos's global network of malware and spam analysis centres, will be updated several times a day to cover the latest technical information and stories of interest. Regular contributions from researchers based in Oxford, Boston, Vancouver and Sydney will allow for round-the-clock updates. Main contributors in the UK will include Vanja Svajcer and Fraser Howard, principal virus researchers at SophosLabs, as well as Mark Harris, global director of SophosLabs.

[Judging from the current state of the blog this is a good supplement to ISB's news site. The blog has some technically specific and relevant information, interspersed with small chatty articles. Take a look! --Ed].

Related links: (Open in a new window.)
External link www.sophos.com/blog

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