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Real-Time 3D Network Visualizer
24 May 01:15

Whitedust Labs has released Eve, a software suite designed to model real-time network traffic in a 3D format. Designed to produce illustrative real-time visualizations of traffic flow.

Eve is the newest breed of network intelligence. It is supported by Whitedust's Active Participation program. Software development typically happens behind closed doors, the Eve Active Participation program ensures that anyone who purchases a full copy of the software is granted a voice and a vote in future Eve development. This is a novel approach to application development - harnessing 'groupthink' to give users the opportunity to shape the future of the product.

The concept behind Eve was to produce a stand-alone solution capable of generating real-time visualisations of network traffic. Human pattern matching far surpasses any man-made attempt at intuition. By allowing admins to visually inspect network traffic they will quickly become accustomed to typical network activity, notice flow patterns and spot bottlenecks and trouble spots.

"Eve allows admins to really harness their own intuition," said Allen Zimmerman, a network administrator with over 10 years experience and a beta tester for the Eve software. "Network intelligence has never been this intelligent."

Related links: (Open in a new window.)
External link www.whitedust.net/eve/

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