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Free Online Portable Storage Device Scanner
27 Apr 01:25

GFI Software has released EndPointScan, a free online service allowing users to check what devices are or have been connected to computers on their network and by whom.

The uncontrolled use of portable mass storage devices - USB sticks, CDs, floppies, smartphones, MP3 players, handhelds, iPods, digital cameras - coupled with data theft techniques such as 'pod slurping', are a major threat to network security and could lead to security breaches, data theft, viruses and other malware being uploaded to a company's network. Earlier this year, for example, a scientist who worked with DuPont was arrested after he had copied 400 million worth of commercially-sensitive information from the network. This is why it is vital to know what devices have been or are currently in use on a company network and to be in a position to take action where the risk of a breach is high. The new diagnostic tool is designed to provide that information.

EndPointScan carries out granular checks across all types of ports - USB, Firewire, Bluetooth, Infrared, PCMIA and Wi-Fi - on all machines. This utility provides complete and thorough information about all portable devices and can scan multiple computers simultaneously. GFI EndPointScan is fully compatible with existing network management or administrative tools such as Active Directory and it will also work on Vista systems.

Related links: (Open in a new window.)
External link www.endpointscan.com
External link www.gfi.com

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