BitForensics has released a hardware keylogger on a PCI card. The KeyCarbon PCI card records all typing on a computers keyboard, fits inside the case of a desktop computer, and stores up to 32,000,000 keystrokes or 10 years of typing.
Providing evidence in case of fraud is one of the potential functions of the KeyCarbon PCI card. It can also be used as a data backup against theft or system failure. In addition the card may be used to create an audit trail in banks, stock trading floors, accountancy firms and corporations.
The card can be installed in minutes by service personnel and requires no drivers. As the card is completely invisible to the Operating System (OS) it does not slow the computer down or drain system resources. Since the card is placed inside the case of the desktop computer, plugged into the computer motherboard, it can be locked against tampering by a third party.
The product is compatible with all operating systems that run on a Pentium compatible CPU including Windows, Linux, DOS, BeOS, and OS/2. Installation requires nothing but a spare PCI slot on the computer motherboard.
The card records typing from all keyboards including older PS/2 keyboards and modern USB keyboards. The recorded typing is encrypted at a hardware level and can be presented as evidence in a court of law.
[This could be a good tool in designing and building resilient auditing trail functions of high evidential quality, something badly needed as demonstrated in both UK and US courts. I hope the card has a hardware signature allowing logging systems to detect removal or replacement of a particular card, tying a particular card to a particular computer in a non-repudiable manner. If not, such a system is of little value. --Ed].
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