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Security Redaction for PDF Files
19 Sep 11:08

Appligent, Inc. has announced Redax 4.5, a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat that permanently and securely removes information from PDF files. Redax enables redaction with Acrobat 6, 7 and the recently announced Acrobat 8.

For government, security redaction is important when preparing documents to be released under Freedom of Information Acts and Privacy Acts. For law firms and corporations, it is important for maintaining privacy of information, including HIPAA compliance.

The product allows categories to be assigned to words, phrases and images to allow one work document to be repurposed for multiple recipients, based on the recipients level of security clearance. For example, a FOIA specialist in a government agency can assign categories (e.g. Public, Top Secret, Secret) to areas to be redacted in a document and redact by category, producing one document for the public, another for internal use within the agency and yet another for outside agencies.

Related links: (Open in a new window.)
External link www.appligent.com/

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