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Toshiba Opening its Japan R & D Labs to EU Scientists
01 Sep 03:15

Toshiba has launched an annual Fellowship Programme, giving up to two outstanding scientists the chance to join its research and development team in Japan.

The Programme is an opportunity for PhD-level researchers of EU nationality currently working in a UK academic institution to gain commercial work experience alongside one of Toshibas research and development teams. The successful candidate(s) will be funded for up to two years with a highly competitive salary.

There are 14 priority research areas for the Fellowship Programme in 2007/2008 including security, multi-media, Internet, software, simulation and water treatment.

The security research areas include research on the foundations for information security

Develop provably secure cryptosystems and cryptographic protocols. The main tools of this field include: one-way function, random oracle and Turing machine. Anonymity, universal composability and formal verification of cryptographic protocols also form part of the project. The field of research is expected to cover that represented by the CRYPTO and EUROCRYPT conferences.

Related links: (Open in a new window.)
External link www.toshiba.eu/fellowship

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