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Record European Handheld Sales Decline in 2Q06, Says IDC
03 Aug 11:35

According to the latest market data from IDC, the Western European mobile device market (including standalone handhelds and converged devices) suffered a disappointing performance in the second quarter of 2006 as the total market declined by 3 per cent year on year to total 3.3 million units.

The handheld market suffered further intensification of the negative growth exhibited since 4Q05 as shipments declined by 49 per cent year on year, while comparatively insubstantial growth for the converged device segment of just 10 per cent year on year meant demand for devices with combined voice and data functionality failed to offset the negative growth of the handheld segment.

[Finally some good news for information security. --Ed].

Related links: (Open in a new window.)
External link www.idc.com

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