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New Insurance Company Covers File Sharing Victims
19 Jul 09:01
Two Swedish insurance companies now cover the consequences any persecution of the file sharing public by anti-piracy vigilante organisations.

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Norther European "Pirates" Formalise Co-Operation
19 Jul 08:41
The Pro Pirate Lobby was founded last week to fight copyrights at an international level.

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UK Business Failures Keep Rising
18 Jul 02:55
Business failures in the UK rose to 4,720 (2.0 per cent) in the second quarter of 2006 compared to the same period in 2005, bringing the total for the year so far to 9,538 8.9 per cent more than in the first half of last year, according to the latest figures from Experian.

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Future Platform: High Altitude Broadband
18 Jul 01:32
A three-year project led by the University of York, which aims to revolutionise broadband communications, reaches its climax later this year.

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UK Subversion User Group Launched
18 Jul 11:52
CollabNet, a provider of on demand distributed software development solutions, has held an inaugural meeting to launch the UK Subversion User Group.

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Postini Stats Confirms Image Spam Trends
14 Jul 12:44
Postini stats published today confirms that June showed a continuing trend by hackers to attack corporate networks through lightly protected instant messaging (IM) by systems and sending email using image-only spam spam that contains no text, just a picture.

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New Type of Image Spam
13 Jul 01:14
Image Spam accounts for one third of all Spam received, according to content security software vendor Marshal. The company's Threat Research and Content Engineering (TRACE) Team has identified a new strain of Image Spam, designed to hoodwink the most advanced anti-Spam software.

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McAfee's June Stats
13 Jul 01:03
McAfee has publilshed stats for the top 10 spam subject lines, the top brands targeted by phishing scams and the results of the most prevalent internet threats for June 2006.

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CipherTrust June Zombie Stats
13 Jul 11:37
The statistics are based on analysis of CipherTrust's global network of IronMail e-mail security appliances.

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Nochex Caught Between eBay and Google
12 Jul 07:04
Nochex, an independent UK online payment services provider has been banned from eBay, along with Google and a string of other payment service providers.

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