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Stable Threat Levels Disguise Real Dangers
27 Jul 03:01
MessageLabs has published its intelligence report for July.

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Agnitum: Microsoft Kernel Patch Protection More About Sales Than Security?
27 Jul 12:16
After an in-depth analysis of the new security measures introduced by Microsoft under the name Kernel Patch Protection, the computer security experts at Agnitum claim that this attempt to improve security is possibly more of a move to preclude or block the use of third-party security software in Windows.

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Man Faces Jail After Stealing 80,000 Email Addresses
26 Jul 12:30
IT security firm Sophos has encouraged authorities to pursue the spamming community following the news that a man has been charged with stealing the membership database held at the American College of Physicians (ACP) in Philadelphia, USA.

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Latest 'Dirty Dozen' Spam Relaying Countries
24 Jul 12:43
Sophos has published its latest report on the top twelve spam relaying countries over the second quarter of 2006. US spam reduction stalls while spam sent through European zombie PCs gains momentum.

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Anti-Virus Companies Could Be Powerless Against Future Ransomware
24 Jul 12:17
In the future, hackers may make ransomware so complex that it is beyond the decryption capabilities of the anti-virus industry, according to a new report from Kaspersky Lab.

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100,000 UK Business Hit by Fake Anti-Spyware Trojan Email
21 Jul 04:02
An email claiming to be from an anti-spyware company is being used to spread a new Trojan-downloader, according to BlackSpider Technologies, the on-demand security service from SurfControl plc.

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Tighter, Easier Monitoring of Children's Web Access Needed
21 Jul 02:20
The internet industry needs to provide better controls over web content for parents with children on the net, says industry expert, Adam Hildreth. With reports of illegal content still on the increase, technology needs to be improved to protect children, and to give parents an easier way of monitoring activity.

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Astonishing Internet Growth Rate Continues
21 Jul 02:04
Internet Security Systems, Inc. (ISS) has announced in its Annual Web Growth Analysis that the number of newly registered internet-domains has increased by over 21 per cent over the last 12 months, while the number of new web pages has grown by over 17 per cent.

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UK Government to Strengthen Anti-Spam Legislation
21 Jul 01:17
We have received this letter from Yuval BenItzhak, CTO, Finjan:

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CA Criticises F-Secure's Mobile Virus Claims
21 Jul 01:09
Malware threats to mobile phones - fact or merely hype?

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