Internet Security Scanning on the Cheap

17 Oct 07:52

Network security specialist firm IDsec has introduced a lite version of its Superwalk product, bringing the benefits of Internet gateway scanning to a much broader audience.

Superwalk can be used to supplement existing penetration testing, or for companies previously unable to afford these kinds of services, providing them with a significant improvement on their existing security measures.

Although the benefits of penetration testing are well understood and applied in the larger corporate environment, many smaller organisations have not adopted this important area of security. Penetration testing is in essence an audit of a companys security systems, looking for areas where security defences may be vulnerable or indeed, have already been breached. Typically, large-scale penetration testing is carried out once or twice a year.

What Superwalk provides in addition is a continued version of penetration testing throughout the year, constantly monitoring systems for areas where security systems may have been compromised. Where Superwalk is different to self scan products is in the way that it operates and continually in background mode. Superwalk is managed by IDsec as a remote service and therefore, causes no disruption to a companys existing IT infrastructure.

Superwalk has been developed by IDsecs own team of penetration testing practitioners, who have carried out testing projects for some of the worlds largest organisations. Superwalk was originally introduced as an ancillary service to large-scale penetration testing projects and, since its introduction in 2002, has been adopted by a wide variety of businesses. The data collected by Superwalk can be viewed by the user at any time and a complete set of historic records are maintained.

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Taken from Information Security Bulletin.