FaceTime Communications has appointed Christopher Boyd (known online as "Paperghost") to the position of security research manager. A leading expert on malware, spyware and hacking exploits, Boyd will be responsible for performing detailed research on new malware threats to enable rapid response and remediation solutions for FaceTime customers.
FaceTime's IMPact Research Team is the largest intelligence and response organisation dedicated to addressing the rapid proliferation of new adware/spyware, IM and P2P threats. The IMPact Index provides an aggregate risk level of daily threats.
Prior to joining FaceTime, Boyd conducted privacy, digital rights and spyware/malware analysis for Vitalsecurity.org. He has been involved in several security events including the discovery of a mass cracking of Linux servers to infect Windows based end-users using an IFRAME redirect an expose of a broadcastpc.tv install that downloads and runs the entire .NET framework to power ads and a cross-browser Java based applet which infects IE even when it is not in use. In addition, he helped crack the riddle of the IRC daisy chain known as Spazbox.net, and caused rogue Adware bundles being pushed across BitTorrent forums to be pulled due to public outcry. Boyd is also a Microsoft Security MVP. The Microsoft MVP Program is a worldwide award and recognition program that strives to identify amazing individuals in technical communities around the world.
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Taken from Information Security Bulletin.