RSA Adds Chip Authentication (EMV CAP) Into RSA Adaptive Authentication

25 Sep 12:44

RSA, the Security Division of EMC, has added a new module, which supports MasterCards Chip Authentication Protocol (CAP) and Visas Dynamic Passcode Authentication (DPA), part of the EMV standard for chip based debit and credit cards, into its RSA Adaptive Authentication solution.

RSA Adaptive Authentication is a layered authentication solution for financial institutions.

New Smart Card deployments by financial institutions around the world today increasingly based on the EMV (EuroPay, MasterCard, Visa) standard, sometimes called Chip and PIN cards. The chip on these cards is able to store and run small applets, enabling the card to perform a number of different functions. One such function is the ability, when inserted into a suitable reader, to generate a one-time passcode. This application is called CAP Chip Authentication Protocol (also referred to as Visa's Dynamic Passcode Authentication DPA).

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Taken from Information Security Bulletin.