RAD Data Communications has announced the appointment of Prof. Daniel Kofman, a world-renowned expert in new networking technologies and telecommunications systems, as the company's Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
Daniel Kofman holds a doctorate with highest honors from ENST, France's prestigious Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, where he has taught and conducted research for the past thirteen years. Apart from serving as a full professor, he also heads ENST's Networks, Mobility and Security Research Group.
In addition, Prof. Kofman is the scientific coordinator of the European Network of Excellence Euro-NGI, composed of 59 partners from academy and industry in eighteen countries, and chairman of its steering board. Euro-NGI is an integrated research effort focusing on the design of Next Generation Internet. Prof. Kofman is also contributing to the preparation of the upcoming European Commission Framework Program 7 (FP7) in the area of networking and the future of the Internet. He has advised various governmental and research agencies as well as numerous companies in the telecommunications industry, and is a frequent guest lecturer at universities in Europe, Asia and North and South America.
Dr. Kofman's primary area of professional expertise is present and future network architecture design and engineering, traffic engineering and modeling for performance evaluation and optimization.
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Taken from Information Security Bulletin.