Databac Group, a specialist provider of identification solutions, is marketing a genuinely low-cost solution in Staff on Time. The Staff on Time Retail fingerprint terminal logs up to 15 users in and out and is priced at just GBP125.
For larger companies, the PLUS terminal handles up to 30 users, while the Pro USB terminal manages up to 360 users for little more than GBP1 a user.
Databac Group managing director Charles Balcomb said: "To date, there has not been much in the way of biometric time and attendance aimed at small enterprises. For shops and other businesses which pay employees by the hour, time keeping is essential for the bottom line. Staff on Time provides a reliable, affordable solution that cannot be cheated." Fingerprint technology is highly secure and eradicates 'buddy punching' where colleagues clock each other in or out, earlier or later as a favour.
Staff on Time is a complete solution which comprises a fingerprint terminal and Staff on Time software. The Windows-based software is easy to install, easy to use and, in the case of Pro USB, fully configurable. The keys of the Pro USB terminal can be programmed per category. These could be agreed time schedules (9-5, 10-6, etc), shifts, permitted tea breaks, deductable cigarette breaks or other required grouping. Management reports are customisable and can cover incident reports, punctuality reports and productivity reports per employee or department.
Up to four Pro USB terminals can be managed by a Staff on Time control unit, to handle up to 2,100 users and to extend functionality to include access control. The control unit can be programmed to function as a switch to operate locks, alarms, lights and other electronic systems, activated by authorised fingerprint.
[Bad news for cheaters: they now need to take the trouble of producing fake fingers to buddy-punch, or does the system have liveness control...? --Ed].
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Taken from Information Security Bulletin.