McAffee July Stats

17 Aug 07:44

July spam subject lines, phishing targets and viruses

Top spam subject lines

  1. Message from eBay Member
  2. PayPal Notification
  3. Restore Your Account Access
  4. Chase Online Banking Service
  5. eBay Member
  6. eBay Item Not Received Dispute Opened for Item
  7. Question from eBay member
  8. Question from eBay Member
  9. Barclays International informs you
  10. Account maintenance Profile Update

Top brands targeted by phishing scams
  1. VolksBank - 44 per cent
  2. eBay - 40 per cent
  3. PayPal - 8 per cent
  4. Bank of America - 3 per cent
  5. Wachovia - 3 per cent
  6. Barclays - 2 per cent

July 2006 - McAfee top viruses
McAfee has announced the results of the Top Viruses for July 2006. This is a monthly tracker of the leading viruses that are infecting computers across Europe. Each virus has been detailed below with the percentage of PCs across the 758,809 scanned that are infected.

Name of threats: Adware-URL
Type of threat: Program
Threat aimed at: These files do not directly impact system performance, but may clutter a user's desktop, start menu, favourites, and other folders. Such URL shortcuts are meant to direct users to web pages that contain advertising content. McAfee(R) AVERT(tm) Labs recognises that some programs may have legitimate uses in contexts where an authorised administrator has knowingly installed this application. If you agreed to a license agreement for an application, you may have legal obligations with regard to removing this software, or using the host application without this software.
PCs infected: 6.3 per cent

Name of threats: Exploit-WMF
Type of threat: Trojan
Threat aimed at: A 0-day vulnerability was discovered on December 27, 2005. Exploit WMF files were being hosted on two known web sites. The exploit code attacks a vulnerability in the way in which Windows handles Windows Meta Files resulting in the execution of arbitrary code.
PCs infected: 6.2 per cent

Name of threats: JS/Wonka
Type of threat: Trojan
Threat aimed at: JS/Wonka may be used as a means to load other malicious scripts and exploit trojans. Indications of infection vary.
Recommended measures: Up-to-date anti-virus detects JS/Wonka.
PCs infected: 6.0 per cent

Related links: (Open in a new window.)

Taken from Information Security Bulletin.