Brits Are Practicing 'Safe Surfing' (UK)

08 Aug 03:52

British citizens are fighting back against the threat of viruses and spyware channelled through the internet according to a new survey from the British Computer Society (BCS).

Almost two in three adults now have access to a computer at home and over 90 per cent of home internet users currently take active measures to protect themselves from security threats. Equally, 92 per cent of online shoppers also take active precautions to protect themselves against fraud.

The survey, undertaken to measure the nation's online security practice, also demonstrates growing public confidence in the safety of the internet. Online shoppers now spend an average of GBP164 per month online, 52 per cent make use of secure payment areas on websites and 51 per cent only shop on well known retailer sites in order to ensure safe transactions. The number of home internet users in Britain who have purchased online has also increased by over 2 million people in the past year up from approximately 15.2 to 17.4 million.

Key findings of the survey include:

  1. 64 per cent of British adults claim to have access to a computer at home and 23 per cent have access at work. 29 per cent cited that they do not have access to a computer.
  2. Only 30 per cent of people aged 65 or over have access to a computer at home, although this has risen from 22 per cent last year.
  3. 63 per cent of British adults claim to have access to the Internet.
  4. Among those using a computer at home, the top 4 reasons for using the Internet are for "research/fact finding/a learning tool" (65 per cent), "online purchasing" (58 per cent), "read information or news on favourite websites" (46 per cent), and "online banking" (43 per cent).
  5. Opinion was divided about the security of online banking. 34 per cent of home internet users use online banking and are confident in the security of the service 32 per cent have concerns about security (about half of this group use it and half don't) and 27 per cent don't use it for reasons unconnected with security.
  6. 8 per cent of home internet users claim to have been a per cent victim of online fraud.
  7. 42 per cent of home internet users have been a victim of computer viruses or spyware. 26 per cent have had their computer infected with spyware and 20 per cent have lost data as a result of a computer virus.
  8. 92 per cent of home internet users take steps to protect their computer against virus threats. The most frequently used measure is anti-virus or firewall software, mentioned by 86 per cent.
  9. 92 per cent of Internet shoppers take precautions to ensure their online purchasing is safe. The two most frequently mentioned measures were "look for secure payment areas on websites" (52 per cent) and "only shop on trusted or well known retailer websites" (51 per cent).
  10. Internet shoppers spent an average of GBP164 each in the past month.
  11. The number of home internet users in Great Britain who have purchased online has increased by over 2 million people in the past year up from approximately 15.2 to 17.4 million.

BCS has recently launched a new service containing advice for IT professionals, security professionals and the public on current security issues. The BCS security pages of its website also provide comment and analysis of common problems that can arise when security is breached and show what is being done to tackle high-tech crime.

[NOTE: The prospect of Brits becoming 'citizens' is but a distant dream - they are 'subjects' --Ed].

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Taken from Information Security Bulletin.