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OWASP Autumn Of Code 2006
05 Sep 10:58
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has launched a new project aimed at financially sponsoring contributions to OWASP Projects.

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Rise in Mobile Workers Leave IT Support Staff Stretched
04 Sep 06:53
The rapid increase in mobile working is expanding beyond the rate at which IT staff can support it, with 69 per cent of workers calling for better communication from IT staff, according to new research from Citrix.

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Free Fix for the Gromozon/LinkOptimizer Rootkit
04 Sep 05:11
Prevx has developed a detection and removal tool that will allow users to check their PCs for the presence of the high risk Gromozon/LinkOptimizer Rootkit, and associated PC infections. These originated on Gromozon.com but are now carried by a growing number of websites. The tool is free, it performs a thorough analysis of the users PC to detect and if necessary remove the Gromozon infection.

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August Stats From MessageLabs
01 Sep 05:32
MessageLabs has published its intelligence report for August 2006. In this months findings, MessageLabs observed the continuing trend for online criminals to develop sophisticated new phishing attacks and trojans that exploit widespread vulnerabilities, such as the publicised MS06-040 and prey on the popularity of instant messaging software, social networks and ecommerce sites.

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August Stats From Sophos
01 Sep 05:22
Sophos have published the most prevalent malware threats and hoaxes causing problems for computer users around the world during August 2006.

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EUR165m Fraud Discovered in UK/German Joint Operation
01 Sep 04:48
A suspected EUR165m fraud has been disrupted during a joint UK and German operation against VAT carousel fraud. Codenamed 'Operation Sunrise', mixed teams of UK and German customs officers were deployed on the Swiss - German border and at Frankfurt airport to gather intelligence about the movement of goods into the European Union.

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August Stats From Kaspersky
01 Sep 03:39
According to Kaspersky Lab the anti-virus industry was spared a virus epidemic in August but was struck by several major phishing attacks. In previous years, August has proved a fertile month for major viruses, with Welchia, Sasser and Mytob outbreaks occurring in August 2003, 2004 and 2005 respectively.

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People Don't Reclaim Lost Mobile Devices
01 Sep 01:29
A survey into Mobile Device Security at Airports shows Brits are lackadaisical when it comes to losing mobile devices compared to many of their counterparts around the globe!

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Word Document Spam
24 Aug 05:26
Marshal's Threat Research and Content Engineering (TRACE) Team today announced a new form of spam that is hidden in Word documents. The new type of spam uses a combination of obfuscation and social engineering in an effort to bypass anti-spam software and spam-savvy email users.

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Open Standard for Security and Compliance Systems
23 Aug 11:59
ArcSight, Inc., a provider of Enterprise Security Management (ESM) software, has released the Common Event Format (CEF), an open log management standard that improves the interoperability of security-related information from different security and network devices and applications.

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